Home News Haim Tease a Potential Collaboration With Jai Paul for Upcoming Tracks

Haim Tease a Potential Collaboration With Jai Paul for Upcoming Tracks

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Haim Jai Paul collaboration

In a recent segment on Lauren Laverne’s BBC Radio 6 Music program, Haim spilled some tea about their latest performance at All Points East, celebrated the age of their album “Days Are Gone,” and much more. Among the nostalgic hits they jammed to, Jai Paul’s “Jasmine” was a notable feature. When Lauren Laverne went on to question the trio about their future undertakings and the possibility of a new album, the sisters turned coy.

Responding with a medley of cryptic remarks like, “Could be”; “We’ve teamed up with some interesting folks”; “Oh, you caught that we played Jai Paul earlier? Might mean we’ve been sharing studio vibes with him”; “We’ve possibly laid down some tracks with him, or not”; and the all-time classic, “No comment,” they kept fans on their toes. (We reached out to Haim’s reps for clarification, but radio silence there.)

For years, Haim has been singing praises for Jai Paul. Case in point: Danielle Haim gave him a shoutout in a 2014 Wall Street Journal article. There’s even a 2013 feature in The Fader where Danielle recounts a tale of shooting an email to the elusive British producer to show her respect for his work, a rarity for her. When Paul eventually replied three weeks later, he reciprocated with compliments for the band.

Jai Paul, who is no stranger to the limelight, made his on-stage debut at this year’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. He took his act from the Golden State to the Big Apple and across the pond to London, with more gigs on the calendar for the remainder of the year. Not to mention, he just dropped his latest vinyl release, “Leak 04-13 (Bait Ones).”

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Don’t forget, Haim unleashed their third musical compilation, “Women in Music Pt. III,” in the year that shall not be named but rhymes with “Unlucky-20.”

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So, will the stars align for a Haim and Jai Paul collaboration? All signs point to ‘maybe,’ but if it does happen, get ready for a musical fusion that’s likely to be as iconic as when peanut butter met jelly. Stay tuned!

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